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 When the first Whirlpool Duet album was released in December 2001

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When the first Whirlpool Duet album was released in December 2001 Empty
PostSubject: When the first Whirlpool Duet album was released in December 2001   When the first Whirlpool Duet album was released in December 2001 EmptySun Jul 31, 2011 6:47 pm

In cazul in care primul album Duet Whirlpool a fost lansat in decembrie 2001 a venit ca o surpriza pentru public . Pe de o parte , design modern si stil , sarcina pe partea din fata a fost un mare plus , pe de alta parte , cu toate acestea , un set de preturilor cu amanuntul a devenit ceva de un soc pentru multi oameni - More at
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When the first Whirlpool Duet album was released in December 2001
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